Monday, 1 September 2014

Happy Labour Day Weekend and a Football Cookie! { MY 100TH POST}

Hello there!

Just popping by to wish you a HAPPY LABOUR DAY LONG WEEKEND!

Also this is my 100 HUNDREDTH POST! I didn't even realize it when I first posted this! Oops. HAPPY 100!!!

Anyhow -- I hope you enjoy it by relaxing, eating some good food and maybe even making some delicious bars and squares? Yes, I thought so ;)

I wanted to share a BIG Anniversary cookie that is a football themed cookie -- if you know any males you know it's fantasy football season and the drafts are starting strong.

Me? I am more than excited for football season AS LONG as there are cookies. And my team plays well, of course.

This is the biggest cookie I have ever decorated! You can't tell but the background is actually silver. It looks pretty cool in the light! Couldn't capture it on camera, though.

The cookie is about 10 inches across -- although it looks small in the picture!

I also made some other random cookies, of course!

I adore this cake cookie. I bought the cookie cutter from Kitchen Stuff Plus and I love it!

A simple swirled heart.

And of course the big giant football cookie!

Do you have any football fans in your life? I am still shocked at the amount of competition and rigor of fantasy football. Although I suppose I have that same passion for cookies. Sometimes even football cookies but that's as close as I'll get to football madness.

Hope you are having a great long weekend!


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