Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Cookies, Cakes and Catch-Ups 5


Okay so Easter is clearly long gone, I know that.

HOWEVER -- do you know what's not long gone? MOTHER'S DAY! And you can definitely apply these designs on other kinds of flowers or maybe teacups and saucers which I ADORE for Mother's Day cookies.

Small orders are a piling up and I couldn't be happier. That means even more COOKIES, CAKES and CATCH-UPS!!!!

And hopefully time for some new recipes, too. 

Now that the weather is actually starting to get nicer in Ontario I feel like my energy levels are improving a teeny tiny weensy little bit. 

I will admit -- I am not as energetic or cute as these guys:

And some my FAVOURITE cookies EVERRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It doesn't happen too often that I am allowed to go cookie crazy -- so having some free range when it comes to cookies is always so much fun.

Believe it or not sometimes people trust me to just do whatever I'd like - they TRUST me! What a crazy concept!

Easter is one of the most colourful holidays for me. I mean Christmas has it's reds and greens -- Valentine's Day is red and pink... but Easter?!


Now I know you want to see more, right?

Having icing flowers and roses helps add a little something-something!


My brother's (and our family's) friend is starting his own chicken farm. And his chickens look just like these. Actually they may even be cuter.

They are so FLUFFY!

And while these guys aren't so fluffy they have cute little hairs and rosey cheeks and that's pretty dark awesome.

And a 'Happy Easter' cookie -- for good measure. Writing on cookies and cakes can definitely be a challenge. I think practice is definitely key -- and having some reject cookies to practice on ;)

Can you not see these eggs as tea cups??? I SO CAN! I am actually panicking a bit about Mother's Day. I mean -- my mom has tested most of my treats -- what can I make her that's actually special????

Maybe a new cookie design or something that's more creative.


Decisions, decisions! Are you excited for Mother's Day? I cannot wait to celebrate it with my mama. She is my world <3

Thanks for the patience and THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT! My customers are the best and most wonderful people ever.



  1. Omg you are so fricking talented!!! These cookies are absolutely AMAZING!!!! You're such a goddess...

    1. Thank you so much Anne! You are far too sweet -- you really made my day! <3
