If you brunch I brunch we brunch! The brady brunch? Okay enough brunch puns....we are such a funny brunch. OKAY I AM DONE! I always brunch because I hate eating early so when I eat my first meal it's in breakfast-lunch purgatory (I know most important meal of the day--tell that to my sensitive tum, mmmk?).
Have you noticed the fascination with all things bready-eggy-mapley and delicious? Brunch is amazing. And the best part is it is no longer reserved for the married or courting stiff high upper class!
I have gone out to breakfast a number of times and been stuck with the 'fruit platter'. Do you know it? A dole fruit cup served upside down into a bowl with a mint sprig on top to make it look fancy?
I now love making the most beloved weekend meal. I think every meal should be brunch. What about lunch and dinner--linner...dunch....dinunch. Maybe brunch is a thing because no other meal combinations sound cute together?
Gluten Free Pancakes from Bob's Red Mill Mix! |
- Pancakes. The ones above are Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free Pancake Mix!
It is super easy to assemble, just use the mix, milk, eggs and oil (i melted coconut oil and used that!)
They are super fluffy and delicious with berries, yogurt, syrup, etc!
2. Protein Pancakes/ Paleo Pancakes: I found a link to a recipe that looks similar to the one I use: paleo cakes- MMM These use coconut flour which is full of fibre, is super filling and tastes DIVINE! I love protein and paleo pancakes of all sorts!
3. Banana Pancakes: I am sure there are varieties of these online...but basically all you need is a banana and an egg and a pinch of baking powder. Gurrrrl these are delish. Here is a video:
4. Eggwhite pancakes: These are super simple, too! I usually mix 1/4 cup eggwhites, 2 tablespoons of gluten free flour (rice flour, cocount flour or peanut flour) and add a pinch of baking powder and cinnamon. ALL DONE!
5. Any of the above + chocolate chips.
6. Any of the above + #5 + greek yogurt and berries and or cottage cheese!
7. BLOOBS. As in blue-berries. You silly goose.
Pancakes are easily made healthy. They are easy, portable if you need them to be. There are loads of sugar free syrups available or syrups made with healthier sugars like coconut syrup! Some use agave--I personally hated the taste and have heard it is just as bad as sugar as far as glycemic index goes! I personally use whatever sugar free syrup I can find because I don't use it often. I also buy 100% Canadian Maple Syrup because...GO CANADA GO!
And of course, most importantly....CHOCOLATE CHIPS! My all time favourite are the Enjoy Life brand Organic Dark Chocolate Chips and the Camino 71% chocolate chips. I find these at Fortinos or Superstore locations and also Goodness Me (a local health food store). Just read the ingredients and it should say the percentage of chocolate of whatever chips you desire!
So whether you brunch or don't brunch and just eat regular old meals at regular old times--then I hope this helps you! Hope is not lost if you're eatin' clean and wantin' some cakes in a pan!
Happy brunchin' and lunchin'
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