Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Baked Birthday Cake Donuts

Happy birthday to meeee. Happy birthday to meeee
Today is not my birthdayyyy.....
But it is my birthday WEEK!

So it's my birthday this week. And that means BIRTHDAY STUFF! Such as, including...but not limited to....

Birthday. Cake. Donuts.

Uhhhh....These are a little bit ridiculous. These do not even have to be for a birthday because, pfft, who needs birthdays to justify birthday cake flavoured things?

It's such a beloved flavour! Tim Hortons gave away Birthday Cake flavoured donuts on their birthday this year. My mom's favourite ice cream flavour is birthday cake ice cream (however we soon realized she does not like every brand and actually only one brand that we can never find....) and all of these things are reason enough for these donuts.

Oh and like an actual birthday...or whatever.

I also made these for a friend who was drooling over these donuts since I posted them a while back.  Before making them I texted him to see if I could make them BIRTHDAY CAKE flavoured. He agreed, naturally.

These are the softest most airy and wonderful donuts in the world! You will need a donut pan for this (including a cute heart shaped one I bought at Marshall's!) so that you can bake them -- but you can find them for a reasonable price and I definitely got my monies worth!

If you want to check out my other donut recipes (even protein donuts!) then please check out my recipe index to the right! They are all in there!

I really love these little beauties and I promise, you will too!

Let's get the recipe!

Baked Birthday Cake Donuts

Yields 16- 20 Donuts 


  • 2 cups all purpose (or cake) flour, sifted
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg 
  • 3/4 cup buttermilk*
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten 
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil or butter, melted 
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla 
*No buttermilk? Simply add 1 tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice to ordinary milk and let sit for 5 minutes!


  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees farenheit 
  2. Grease 2 donut pans very well  (or one pan and re-grease every batch)
  3. Sift together ALL dry ingredients (that is the first 5 on the list) until fully combined
  4. Add in your wet ingredients, stirring until fully combined and you have a thick, airy batter. 
  5. Scoop batter into a large pastry bag in order to get the batter in the donut shape easily (can substitute with a large ziploc/plastic bag)
  6. Fill each cavity 2/3 of the way full.
  7. Bake for 7-9 minutes or until tops of the donuts spring slightly to the touch
  8. Let cool in pan for 5 minutes then invert onto wire cooling rack 

Donut Glaze


  • 1 cup icing sugar
  • Food colouring of choice (I used pink and teal)
  • 2-3 tablespoons milk (reserve extra just in case) 
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. Combine all ingredients in a small bowl
  2. Whisk until smooth -- if glaze is too running (like water) add more icing sugar. If glaze is too thick (like peanut butter) add a teaspoon at a time of your milk until its pourable like a thick honey texture
  3. Once donuts are cooled, dip top half of donuts in glaze, shake/wiggle off the excess while the donut is upside down and then place on parchment paper to dry and set
  4. If desired, add toppings on donuts after dipping 

These honestly taste really good plain, too!

Top it with whatever toppings you like! Coconut works really well with the vanilla-y birthday cake!

How cute would these be for Valentines Day? The answer is super cute. If only I didn't poo-poo on the day as a whole. But if you made me donuts, I'd be cool with it...maybe. 

Or even chocolate chips! It looks cute with the pink. Yay for chocolate! I just had to sneak it in somehow...

Or just go with a classic sprinkle topped donut. Straight out of a TV show. 

Everyone ADORED these donuts. Eat them up when they are fresh and you will never have a store-bought donut again I promise you! They are cakey and sweet with a beautiful colour from the sprinkles.  And the toppings and colour combinations are endless!

Package them up, give them away, store them for later or eat them all on the spot. I approve of all these methods. Just make sure you have a nice big cup of your beverage of choice and you are good to go.

My favourite way of eating this is on your birthday week. That's just my suggestion. And yes, I will milk this week for all it's got! Mostly because it gives me an excuse to bake stuff for ME! Wahoo!

Happy Sprinkling!


1 comment:

  1. Baked birthday cake donuts are a delightful twist on a classic treat. Their fluffy texture and vibrant sprinkles evoke celebration in every bite. 10 Post Popular The absence of frying keeps them light and guilt-free, making them a perfect way to mark special occasions. These donuts are a sweet, joyous indulgence.
