I hope you're not sick of these yet. Because, well...I have a bunch more to share with you!
BUT FIRST...I should note that I added TWO. YES TWO! New pages on my right sidebar.
I removed the sugar cookies from my recipe index because...well, they aren't really recipes but instead designs. HOWEVER -- due to a recent increase in the volume of orders I have been doing for cookies I decided to make an entire 'Sugar Cookie Designs' tab with photos and links to corresponding posts. This way for those looking for design ideas or placing an order -- they are all in one place!
Second is the 'Special Order Price List'! I hesitated to do this for a million reasons. One - I feel like an amateur who isn't good enough to complete with a bakery or other local bakers. Two -- I worry that people will judge my work, say no to the prices, cancel an order last minute, or some other bad thing. BUT because the requests have been growing so much lately I decided to take the plunge and create a price list for those people who have already been so wonderful and supportive. This way you can save some time in waiting for me to get back to you and just look at the list.
Please keep in mind I am a one woman show. I work full time and dedicate all my 'leisure' time to growing my baking endeavor and blog. My ingredients are expensive, fresh and all made fresh to order. You can trust that what you're getting has been treated with care and is personal. If you feel that you can get that at a big box store -- then that's okay, too! But because of how much time it takes me to complete these projects just be kind and aware that once an order is placed and started -- backing out causes a huge waste of product and makes me sad inside! SO that being said. Sit down. Stay a while! Read some things. Drink some tea. You and I? We are pals!
Moving on to my rambling about cakes, cookies and catching up. I kind of like these laid back posts. Not a care in the world. All willy nilly. It's free. I don't have to prattle on about some magic mixing technique no one cares about or how coconut oil is soOoOoOo likeeee good for youuuu.
Or why I eat gluten free. I know. You think it's made up, world. We get it.
What I will do is show you these cookies made for a baby shower. Was that obvious???
The bibs were my absolute favourite. Sometimes I pour over blogs and pinterest looking for inspiration only to plop myself down with my icing without any clue as to what I am going to do. Sometimes that works out great...Other times...eh... Not so much!
Thank you to
Pour Toi Sweets for letting me borrow your fondant mold because OH MY GOSH I LOVE IT!
Unfortunately I cannot buy my own because my Paypal account got hacked as someone tried to steal thousand (yes no 's') of dollars from me. Now It's so protected I can't even get back into my own account! Oh Ebay. Why must so many good *cheap* vendors take paypal only!
Ah well, eh? Let's check out some more cute stuff.