Saturday, 3 May 2014

Chocolate Turtles Protein Bars

Sometimes I really don't think of blogging a recipe. Then I let my mom try it and we have this conversation:

I say "Mom, you say that every time!"
She replies earnestly, "No, but really, this time they are really REALLY my favourite!!!"

Yes, every time this is the conversation. And I wouldn't have it any other way! I love my mom, my number one supporter :)

And then one was gone. Then two. Then three. Then almost all of them! Everyone went crazy for these!

So, just for you mama bear, I bring you Chocolate Turtles Protein Bars. The combination of toffee, pecan and chocolate make these a bar version of a chocolate treat I was VERY fond of as a youngin'.

Nestle's Chocolate Turtles! I remember my parents getting boxes of Turtles around the holidays and I loved them to pieces. Ohhh I loved those turtles good. Loved them all the way into my belly. They would come stacked altogether, separated by those little brown cardboard things which I'd leave in there to make it seem like I didn't eat the whole row. But I did? And I have no regrets.

Let's see how the recipe stacks up to the real deal. Teehee. Stack. A stacking joke! Bee-tee-dubs the stack fell over right after this picture.

Anyways, on to the recipe!

Chocolate Turtles Protein Bars 

Yields 8 bars
Allergens: Gluten and refined sugar free 


  • 1 cup oats, ground into flour (or 1 cup oat flour)
  • 1/2 cup chocolate protein powder of choice (any kind!)
  • 1/3 cup peanut flour or PB2 (I used chocolate)
  • 1/3 cup pecans, chopped plus extra for putting on top
  • 4-5 drops of English Toffee Stevia Drops by Now Foods (optional)
  • 1/3 cup honey
  • 1/2 cup nut butter of choice
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa
  • 1/4 Almond milk (or less)
**I use the Now Foods Stevia Drops and flavourings. They are awesome!!! I buy them online at several different shops**


  1. In a small saucepan melt the honey, nut butter and cocoa until fully combined. Then add in flavour drops if using.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, combine all dry ingredients and whisk together until combined.
  3. Add your warm mixture to your dry ingredients and combine, adding almond milk (or any liquid) to the mixture if it is too dry. It probably will be, so I used almond milk! I added it slowly using only enough to make the mixture form a large ball.
  4. Dump the ball into an 8x8 pan lined with foil and flatten until you have a large square
  5. Set in the freezer for at least 1 hour. 
  6. Once set, cut into 8 bars and press pecans into the top of the bars (or drizzle chocolate or leave bars plain--they will still be so delicious!) 
**I store mine in the fridge, but these would be okay at room temperature for a few days, too!**

As you can see, I drizzled mine with some chocolate. As per usual!

But can you blame me?

Suffice it to say, when mama bear is right, mama bear is RIGHT. These are the most delicious protein bars I have ever had. EVER. I promise.

The toffee adds the softest caramel/toffee flavour and the chocolate and pecans go together really nicely with the nut butter. OH GOSH. I am glad I only made 8 because 4 are gone already and I would have eaten them all already were it not for my favorite taste-testers (thanks fam)!

These are creamyyyyyy! And taste like FUDGE. My mom's exact words were "these taste like they have 8,000 calories. 8,000!!".

So rest assured they don't. But they are absolute perfection!!! Soft and melt in your mouth-y. Mmm...melty and mouth-y...I think the English Toffee takes these to the next level.Makes it more turtle-like. I love how the little crunchy pecan pieces add a nice balance to the smoothness of the bar. It also makes it more turtle-like. We are aiming for maximum turtle-capabilities here.

If you do make these, don't tell a soul. Or they will disappear before your very eyes before you can say 'Chocolate Turtle Protein Bars'! Maybe the people you make them for will now know about Nestle's Turtles and will think you put real turtles in here and won't eat them. And you can eat them allll to yourself. WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT?! Oh well.

Hope you give them a try!

Love you all,



  1. Made in South Korea on October 15, 2014 (FYI it is now October 16 and there are TWO bars left out of the original eight!). Per usual, I omitted the chocolate drizzle and I overdid it with chopping up the pecans (I used a coffee grinder on my whole pecans and ended up with more of a pecan "meal" so I missed out on the crunchiness). My bars look a lot drier than yours - either I need to use more almond milk or I need brown rice protein instead of whey (waiting on iHerb for my chocolate Sunwarrior). In other news, my Now Foods English Toffee Drops showed

  2. up and my husband and I both LOVE them - he keeps stealing them for his coffee! Will definitely make these bars for my mom at Christmas - every year she used to ask for a box of Turtles so I completely associate them with the holidays. Stoked for Canadian Christmas!

  3. This is very healthy. Contains Oats, almonds, honey are good for health. I really like this healthy protein bars. You can also try tasty dark chocolate turtles
