Monday, 23 June 2014

Beach Themed Sugar Cookies

School's out for summer! Well, for most kids anyway. Unless you mean Summer. Which is me! Which technically school is out for me because I'm done... enough with the technicalities-- look at these!

I made these cookies to send to a local elementary school and thought what better way to end the year than beach themed cookies?! 

Probably lots of better ways, actually. But this is what I chose to do!

And I had so much fun with them, as you can tell:

Yes, that is a teeny tiny little person enjoying a swim in his cookie pool! I couldn't resist ;) I saw Sweet Ambs do a beautiful pool cookie and wanted to try it! Hers is flawless, though!

This is a picture heavy sit back and relax,  let's go to the beach!

Beach balls, fishies and fishy friends!

SHARK ATTACK! But don't worry, these can't eat you. You CAN eat them however. Oh how the tables have turned...

These starfish remind me of Patrick Star from Spongebob! Anyone agree?!

Ice cream is so quintessentially summer-time it is redonk. No summer should go without ice cream. EVER. 

Do you know what happens when you eat ice cream on the beach?

My one younger brother was always tormented by bees at the beach. It was so sad. Poor little guy! 

The bee's knees. 

And these are some fun beach-themed scenes from flip-flops on the beach to crashing waves by the sea. 

Flip-flops on the sand!

Crashing waves and a surf board!


I was not joking about the picture heaviness! But each cookie was a touch unique and I wanted to share them all! 

Are you out of school for the summer? What is the best part about the beach for you? I miss having the time to go to the beach. Hopefully I'll see some fishies and eat some ice cream. I'll pass on the sharks, though, thanks!

I love you so much I wrote a message in the sand for you:

Happy Beaching!


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