Friday, 27 June 2014

School Snack Team Sugar Cookies

Nothing is more school appropriate than apples and carrots.

Okay, these are COOKIES that only LOOK like apples and carrots but I won't tell anyone if you won't?

These were made for a school's snack team -- and while apples and carrots are full of nutrition, these cookies are high in Vitamin C....ha, do you see what I did the-- oh, nevermind!

Aren't they the cutest?!

I thought that I would get tired of taking pictures of the same cookies...but I didn't!

To see more cookies and how I package my cookies, keep on keepin' on!

The carrots were so bright....I loved them!

But nothing beats a shiny red apple, AMIRITE??

But they are always better together!

I just love packaging them all up all pretty like...

Oooohhh shiny!

Then into the box..

Even though it was bursting!

I managed to get them all in...and even put a bow on it!

Like my little personalized cards and stickers?? 

I hope these cookies are enjoyed -- and followed by actual carrots and apples (that totally makes it okay because the good food cancels out the treats!) or just on their own! Because they're perfect like that, too!

Carrots or apples? Any preferences? Or would you rather have a cookie?!

Happy Snacking!


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